Saturday, July 01, 2006

Happy Bornday, mami.

Happy making it this far. Happy taking it this far. It often seems that birthday wishes are enthused in the selfish spirit of making up for lost time, lost praise, or lost love. But this isn't the case here, both compliment and sentiment are genuinely felt like evergreens, fall thru freeze, springbloom thru summerjam.
I hope your special day was a reflection of you, and that it segues seamlessly into an entire decade (let's shoot high, yo) of spectacular specialness.
Enjoy, and try to blow out the candles before you eat (*no theo*).


Anonymous said...

Jehan I can't believe you did this! Thank you so much! What a way to start your guest-blogger status. I hope you continue :)

I did have a great birthday...hung out with family and got lots of phonecalls from friends near and far far far :)

I'm gonna do my best to take your advice and make the next ten years be the best i've ever had. And with you by my side, that should be a "piece of cake".

speaking of cake, how the hell did you do that? you didn't go buy a real cake did you? you gotta tell me...

Piscean Princess said...

Well isn't this like a big ole' hug!

Anonymous said...

the biggest!